She's a Real Mother

Mutha's got eyes in the back of her head.

Friday, June 08, 2007

I Beg of You: Pass It On!

All I can say in my defense is that she started it.
She called me godless for being a liberal. She insulted the 9-11 widows. She said that all public school teachers were alcoholics and child molesters. And to top it off she made a hell of a lot of money doing it. She is flat out wrong on her facts on a regular basis and yet so few people seem able to control themselves long enough to call her on her crap that she skates by with a smirk and a hair toss time after time. I am insulted to share the same gender with her. If this is a woman, let me be a squid.

Which leads me to my next topic. I would like to start a horrible rumor about her just like she started the godless rumor about me and my kind. Read on and help me out.

Ann Coulter is actually a man with top surgery.

Say it out loud. Say it to everyone you meet. If they ask you why you think so tell them her neck is clearly that of a male with a barely shaved Adam's apple.

I appreciate all your help on this. It makes me feel better.


At 11:16 AM, Blogger Nessa said...

If she were not blonde and thin, she would be reviled. It disgusts me that people give her the time of day, let alone money.

Normally, I would not utter her name because she makes me want to vomit, but I will be happy to comply with your idea. I like it.

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Mutha said...

YEY G-Nib!!Take one for the team!

At 6:54 PM, Blogger Nessa said...

I passed it on. Go see.

At 12:15 PM, Blogger FirstNations said...

oh, THAT whore.
did you know, i once did a blog post on her kind? oh yes.
if you pour bleach on them, they foam up.

At 8:26 PM, Blogger Mutha said...

So good to know.

At 4:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I buy the top surgery/sex change idea.

At 4:47 PM, Blogger Romeo Morningwood said...

Ann is an object for your pity not your scorn...NOT!

If America wasn't so intrigued that a snarling Conservative Fascist Hatemonger can come in such a telegenic package (especially the Good Ole Boys in the GOP) she would just go away.

I am afraid that until some handsome screaming Liberal like Clooney bites the bullet and makes 'a one night in Paris' type home movie, howzabout
'Annie Gets My Gun' and puts it out on the Internet, we are all stuck with her for the forseeable future.

Reminds me of a great placard I saw at a demonstration..
Will somebody please give Dubya a blowjob so that we can impeach him!

At 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice post, Mutha, way to go. Coulter's a living, breathing, walking bad idea.

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Mutha said...

rhea: welcome! And the more the merrier.

Homo-esc: Sorry, I am stuck in scorn mode. Can't seem to coax the pity gland for her. But "Annie got my gun" is PRECIOUS!

Al: I knew there was something I liked about you.

At 5:00 PM, Blogger Doug The Una said...

I've actually heard that rumor before. I'd believe it but I'll never be drunk and unlucky enough for it to matter either way.

At 8:30 PM, Blogger FirstNations said...

...nope, i'd love to spread that rumor except it demeans men. i stand by my bleach. maggot's just aren't clean.

At 1:08 PM, Blogger Romeo Morningwood said...

I think that a televised verbal 'cage match' with her polar opposite is in order. Now that Rosie is off of the View the scheduling will be a lot easier.
$1000 on Rosie in round 3.

At 7:12 PM, Blogger robkroese said...

As long as we can do the same thing with that ass-hat Michael Moore, I'm on board. Let's start a rumor that he's really a big fat disgusting pig who flies around in private jets while pretending to give a shit about common people by making fictional movies under the guise of documentaries.

At 1:25 PM, Blogger Mutha said...

Doug: I'm not asking you to confirm -- only spread it with malicious intent.

FN: Well, I would be game for spreading the rumor that Cheney is a woman...would that make it work?

H-Esc:I'm not a betting woman -- but I would be willing to guess that Anne doesn't have a punch in her and Rosie can take more than a couple.

Diesel: Knock yourself out! You champion any rumor you want. But I owe you dearly for the expression "ass-hat." I've never heard it and will now insert it every chance I get.

At 2:25 AM, Blogger robkroese said...

"Ass-hat" is absolutely one of my favorite words. I save it for very special people. :)

At 12:38 PM, Blogger G said...

She brings out a violent side of me I'll tell you that.

At 12:19 PM, Blogger Doug The Una said...

Mutha, the next rumor is that you're having an affair with Ann Coulter.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Mutha said...

That would explain my absence...

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Indeterminacy said...

I missed this post because I don't read anything about Ann Coulter.


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