She's a Real Mother

Mutha's got eyes in the back of her head.

Monday, March 19, 2007


I overheard my 6-year-old tell my 9-year-old that he knew "shit" was a cause for concern. He said, "Max said s - h - i - t on the bus and that is a swear word." There was then a whispered conference about when and where swears happen, how kids could not say them but grown-ups could.

Although my husband and I do not swear in front of our children (okay -- there was the time I burnt my hand on the wood stove and the time Bush was announced the winner of the 2000 election), I really appreciate a good curse. Phrases are my favorite -- and almost always delivered with a dead-pan expression.

A recent favorite has been "Shit outta luck." I'm not sure what that even means literally, but the intent comes across perfectly, as in, "Those Yankees are shit outta luck this year."

I have always favored "I owe you dick," meaning I owe you nothing. "Dick" can also be thrown into other phrases to mean practically nothing, as in, "The Celtics score dick."

And then there is the old stand-by "Abso-fuckin-lutely." It can be used as an adverb ("We are abso-fuckin-lutely goin to Fenway") and as a exclamation ("Are the Sox gonna be in the play-offs this year?" "Abso-fuckin-lutley!").

My father used to tell us kids that ignorant people swore because they couldn't come up with the vocabulary to express themselves. This from the man whose mother swore in two languages. I believe when interjected at the right time and place, cursing is the spice of conversation.

Now come on -- don't be shy. Who has a favorite phrase they would like to share?


At 5:19 AM, Blogger Nessa said...

My husband has fun sayings like, "blow the stink off your ass." I, too, believe a well place expletive adds something special to a conversation. Sometimes it's just right.

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Mutha said...

Nice! "Don't let the door hit you in the ass" is another good one -- meaning it is time for you to go.

At 6:35 PM, Blogger FirstNations said...

my all time favorite isn't even a swear.

millions express deep shock.

it is 'ik, skreeble, razz, poot, gibber, tweet, honk, flap' uttered by Fat Freddy, better known as 'how fat freddy made it home without a flashlight'.

At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm kinda partial to "Jesus H. Christ on a bicycle!"

Funny stuff, Mutha! I laughed my ass off.

At 2:33 PM, Blogger Mutha said...

FN: Lord girl -- you kill me.

Al: Yes I love the H in Jesus H. Christ. But the bicycle is also key. Hope everything with your ass works out.

At 11:55 AM, Blogger G said...

Everyone is being so clean, I feel badly dropping douchebagarama in the middle of it all - mostly a noun or just a singular exclamation.

I've tried to curb my foul mouth in the car with the kids. So when I feel a bad word forming, I say fluffing fool - just to get that fff sound out.

At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The clean one I'll share is "Holy Moses." Not sure where it came from but it's my version of "Oh My God."

The more profane one...and I'm not proud of this mind you is..."God-f*cking-dammit" which I only use when absolutely necessary.

At 6:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Gotta go with "unfuckingbelieveable".

At 6:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

My 6-year-old was reading a chapter book in the back seat the other day while I was driving. In a hushed voice she said, "Momma- it says the "S" word in my book." The word was "stupid".

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Mutha said...

G- you through me with that one -- I thought I was reading German for a moment. And any way -- the group did need a little roughing up.

Joel -- screw it -- be proud. I am sure you use it at just the right moment.

I knew I could count on you C-Girl! I wonder how much longer that s-word will stay the s-word...

At 9:52 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I also love the UK version of cursing- "Bloody Hell", "Wanker", and, my personal favorite, "Sodding"- as in "Quit your sodding complaining!"


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