She's a Real Mother

Mutha's got eyes in the back of her head.

Friday, January 05, 2007

What Did You Watch After School?

Recently I heard someone younger than I referring to a messy personal situation as an "Afterschool Special." Now I knew what that meant to me -- but was surprised that someone in their 20's would. The ABC Afterschool Specials were a thing of the mid to late seventies, after all, programs for kids that tried to tackle some tough topics, such as runaways, divorce and even (gasp) substance abuse.

It got me to thinking: Are the Afterschool Specials of my childhood lurking out their on DVD, TV Land, etc? It made me want to revisit them and wonder aloud if anyone out there remembered these gems, had favorites, or had I made some of them up in my own mind?

By far the most memorable for me was My Mom's Having a Baby because it was the way I learned about such things. My mother, as the FDR-era Irish Catholic, wanted no conversation beyond a quick orientation to the menstrual cycle. So, she was thrilled. She found it in the TV Guide and planted me in front of the private TV in her and my Dad's bedroom. I felt as if I was being trusted with important knowledge that was simply too fantastic to be absorbed. But to be truthful, the single thing I remember the most about it was that the cartoon sperm wore a top hat, like Fred Astaire.

The Boy Who Drank Too Much was also a favorite because it featured Scott Baio as the abused, hockey-playing son of an alcoholic. Scary stuff, but all wrapped up in a reason to feel sorry for Chachi with the big brown eyes. I also couldn't believe my parents were letting me watch this naughtiness -- Scott stealing liquor from his old man and getting wasted! Cool!

As was the style at the time, one featured Jodi Foster (although I can't remember the plot) and another had a kid named Richie who got high in this little crawl space off his bedroom. This prompted my friends and I to smoke pot in a similar space when we were teen-agers, all giggling over the fact we had our own "Richie Room."

Not quite the outcome I think ABC was looking for.


At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool, nostalgic post, Mutha. I liked "Schoolhouse Rock."

Conjunction Junction
What's Your Function?
Hookin' up words,
and phrase,
and clauses...

At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, every kid knows: when it comes to ABC, Just Say No.

At 6:48 PM, Blogger Mutha said...

LOVE Schoolhouse Rock. Favorites:

Three is a magic number (Man and a woman had a little baby...yes they did...there were three in the family...three is a magic number). It is why I can recite the 3's times table fast and to a melody.

Also "Interplanet Janet -- She's a Galaxy Girl!" I kept singing it the week Pluto was demoted, because it was the way I learned the order of the Solar System -including "Pluto, Little Pluto is the planet furthest from the sun."

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never watched any of the Afterschool Specials. My TV is escapism. But I bet they did teach more than they expected.

At 7:51 PM, Blogger FirstNations said...

oooo. afterschool specials! i don't remember the sperm with the top hat but i wish i did, i really do. remember chachi, and richie, though.
was 'Bad Ronald' an afterschoolie? i sure remember it. i envied him because his mom let him draw on the walls.
of course he was schizophrenic.

At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, this is indeed a stroll. Perhaps I smoked too much pot with Richie because I don't quite recall all the details, but I do recall the shows.

Another ABC one I recall big time is the 4:30 movie which was an hour and a half and bumped up nicely to the 6:00 news. They had themes by week. Gidget week, Betty Davis week. I remember "Whatever happened to Baby Jane" - sends chills to this day. Of course there was also "Gypsy Rose Lee" which was pretty bawdy for my mom to let us view, but there you have it. My memories. That was great Mutha.

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is kind of embarrassing but...

The only ABC after school special that I can remember was one about a small fry kid who lacked self confidence. The phrase..."you can do it Duffy Moon (the kid's name)" was used over and over. I still can't get it out of my head almost 40 (?) years later.

At 10:37 AM, Blogger Mutha said...

Joel! It was called "The Amazing Cosmic Awareness of Duffy Moon"

FN: Bad Ronald conjures images of Ronald McDonald looking even crazier than he does usually! Eeep! I am sooo excited you remember Richie -- sometimes I wonder if I made him up.

G: You blow my mind with this reference to the 4:30 Movie! Was it a tri-state regional thing or was it national? In any case, it is the way I learned about movies. I watched everything on it -- and if my mother and father really loved what was on, we could bring out the tv trays and watch it while eating dinner (a rare treat). I remember "The Great Escape" was one such exception. "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane" still scares the pants off me.

At 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thinking it was a regional tri-state thing. Mutha, you crack me up with these strolls. You're a good documenter of the times.

At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Mutha...very cool and thanks for the link although I now realize I watched said special as a senior in high school which suddenly undercuts my own self confidence...

*he begins to whisper* you can do it can do it.


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