She's a Real Mother

Mutha's got eyes in the back of her head.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Don't Buzz Kill Me Santa

When I was little, like many kids, I was taken to see Santa in a department store. I was amped up for it but a nervous kid in general, so I was also flat-out scared. My older brother took me and claimed the line wrapped around the store. As we got closer and closer I got more scared.
What will I say?
What if I can't understand Santa?
What if Santa says I was not good enough to get a present?

What if I have to tinkle?
My brother said I was fine until I got to be next and then I burst into tears and refused to go. I remember it in sharper detail than that, plus my internal dialogue (IamnotscaredIamnotscaredIamnotscared). But I agree: I cried and backed away after all that time in line. Boy, was my brother pissed at me.
To say the least, it was a buzz kill -- when really all I wanted to feel was relief.

I am thinking of this tonight because I am in the frantic moments before leaving work for a week's vacation. I do want simple relief: no commute, time to read. But, Santa -- I am also in the mood for a buzz. You owe me one.

Happy Holidays and see you in 2007.


At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and a very Happy, Healthy New Year. Enjoy you time off and be sure to get a thrill.

At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas...Happy New Year! I too start a week off tomorrow. No commuting - hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!

At 8:47 AM, Blogger Doug The Una said...

Merry Christmas, Mutha.

As a once-per-year Santa I can tell you you aren't that unusual. Some kids just adore Santa as soon as they get near him but many are scared witless. And tell your children, if they lose bladder control on Santa's lap, they won't be first.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Mutha said...

WAIT!! Doug has been a Santa!!?? And a tinkled-on Santa to boot?!

At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was three, I peed on Santa. And, I knocked a plastic Rudolph over trying to get away from him. Have a great vacation, Mutha. Happy and Merry.

At 12:11 PM, Blogger Doug The Una said...

Tinkled on, sneezed on and doubted. How much realer can you be. I was sought out for the part on account of a deep voice and I need 50% less pillow than your average Santa.

At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays Mutha - all the best in the New Year. ~ G

At 11:30 AM, Blogger Doug The Una said...

Happy New Year, Mutha.

At 6:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year.


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